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Graves' in the Background

I recently had my annual thyroid appointment. This is the first year I have gone without needing to get my thyroid checked. It felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders to finally get to this place in my thyroid journey. My thyroid is stable, levels are perfect (my doctor’s words, not mine). The only thing is the Graves' antibodies continuing to linger in the background.

What does this mean?

I have had present Graves' antibodies since I developed thyroid eye disease (TED) in 2018. Converting from Hashimoto’s to Graves' caused a sudden change which brought on the TED. My doctor and I theorize they were only active for a sort amount of time, but the damage that they caused in the destruction by TED is lifelong. I didn’t know something could cause so much damage within a matter of months.

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This or That

Do you have thyroid eye disease (TED) AND Graves' disease?

When I changed my dosage of medication, the Graves' antibodies became inactive but faded into the background, where they have been ever since. They are holding onto me, for whatever reason, refusing to entirely leave my body. They agreed to no longer cause damage as long as they could remain at the party. This has worked out rather nicely for me given I have not had symptoms for several years now.

How I feel

I don’t think about having Graves' antibodies. I know they are in my body but they have not caused any damage lately so I don’t consider them a threat. I don’t worry about them becoming active. I have had the same dosage of Synthroid for several years now that has continued to keep things stable.

I am doing everything I can for my body. I take my medication every morning, I try to eat healthy, and exercise regularly. I love that I can proudly tell my doctor every time I see her that my eyes are continuing to remain stable and healthy after all that they went through.

Anxiety: Will the graves' antibodies bring back my TED?

I would be lying though if I did not say there have been one or two moments where I have woken up and wondered if something changed. TED came on so suddenly the first time, I have had mornings where something has been slightly off. I wake up with vertigo or my eyes didn’t adjust to waking up as quickly as they normally do. For a split second, I wonder if TED returning is a possibility for me.

I am always proven wrong. It has not come back since it left. I am not anticipatory in it returning. There is nothing about what I am going through that would lead me to believe I would have it again. But every now and then, once in a blue moon, do I stop and wonder if what I am questioning could be TED. Then I realize it’s my irrational thoughts messing with me and I continue on with my day.

I have no problem with my Graves' antibodies remaining inactive in the background as long as they stay there.

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