How TED Defined My Twenties (Part 1)

I have been reflecting a lot lately. I turned 30 in August. When I look back on this monumental decade of my life, my thyroid eye disease (TED) takes up a whole chapter, more than that. When I was diagnosed at 25, I never imagined the impact it would have. The ways I would change over something I could not control.

These last 10 years can be broken up into 4 slices.

Pre-thyroid issues: Life before TED (Age:20-22)

I spent the first part of my twenties being super creative. I fell in love with writing. I discovered a love of photography. I was creatively exploring life in a way I never imagined before. I was looking at things through a new lens. It was as though I had opened a box that has always been there but had never seen.

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I was going to school and shifting friend groups. I took classes in English and got a certificate in web design. I did not know what I wanted to do but I knew I wanted to harness my creativity into something that would inspire others. Everyone around me seemed to be moving so fast. I wanted to remind people, through my writing and poetry, the beauty of stopping to look at things around us.

Thyroid issues begin (Age:23-24)

At a routine physical, my thyroid numbers were off. My doctor told me she wanted to monitor my numbers and there’s a possibility I would have to go on thyroid medication. I hesitantly agree to have my labs done every few months. I hate needles. Always have.

Three months after my physical, I get my labs done again. Numbers are still off but it’s not enough to put me on medication. She said I should get my labs done again in 6 months. I never do. When I get the call to go and get my labs done, I ignore it. I was going through a moment of heavy anxiety and the last thing I wanted to do was get my labs done.

I had gained some weight over the summer. I thought it was just my freshman fifteen a few years late. Turned out, it was a sign of thyroid problems. But I wouldn’t know that until I got my labs done 6 months after I was supposed to.

I get another yearly physical. My labs showed my thyroid numbers are at a level my doctor has never seen. I get my labs done again to make sure it wasn’t an error. My second labs come back and my thyroid levels are even higher than before. I was put on Synthroid right away. The weight I had gained went away over the first few months I was on the medication.

Thoughts on this period

I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. Grave’s disease and TED were not on my radar in the slightest. I was just trying to get used to taking my medication every morning. I was not thinking about what would happen next.

How do you feel looking back at your life before thyroid eye disease?

Treatment results and side effects can vary from person to person. This treatment information is not meant to replace professional medical advice. Talk to your doctor about what to expect before starting and while taking any treatment.
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