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What I Currently Do As Self-Care

I am a big self-care advocate and I feel like every single person needs a form of self-care. It can be different for each person, but I really leaned into the self-care world more after my 2 diagnoses. I needed an outlet and something to make me feel better.

I talk a lot about what I do for self-care, and I realized it is constantly changing. Here are some of the things that really help me currently, and also calm my mind from all the worries associated with thyroid eye disease (TED) and Graves' disease.

My current self-care practices with thyroid eye disease

Diving into book

Every time I start to worry, I pick up a book. Books help me escape reality and I am swept into a world that is not mine. I really started reading during the pandemic when, let’s face it,  there  was not much else to do. I have been an avid reader ever since, and I have realized it is also really good for my mental health. My mind stops racing, and I stop worrying about everything that could go wrong.

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Something else I do that I consider self-care is work out. When I was younger I used to go to the gym whenever I was stressed out with school. I remember getting really worked up about a test I had to take or a report that was due. I would get up and just go work out and it would make me feel so much better. 

I started working out again after the diagnoses. I needed to feel better. Now, I work out and immediately after I feel so much lighter and relaxed. It is like I am letting go of all that tension and worry every time I am able to work out. My brain is quiet and I am just focused on what I am doing right in front of me.

Relaxing spa day

Another way I practice self-care is I have a spa day. I do my nails, use a hair mask, use a face mask and it honestly is one of my favorite things to do. It is really relaxing and it rejuvenates me. Also, it’s not expensive like you might think, especially if you do it at home! Any local pharmacy will have anything and everything you need.

Finding joy

Finally, I have found that working my second job has become a part of self-care for me. I love working in radio and it is a creative outlet for me. I am always really happy when I am working this job, and I am really grateful I am still able to do it in a smaller scale now because of my other job. I find that whenever I am working this job, I forget about literally everything else and am just really happy. I am constantly smiling and just in a really good mood. It is something I am able to do on the weekends to keep me busy. Like I said before, it’s a great outlet.

Overall, I have found that doing things that bring you joy helps. It can take your mind off of things.

What types of self-care are you currently practicing to help with the stress that can come with thyroid eye disease (TED)?

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