My Teen has TED and I'm looking for helpHello everyone, My 16 year old daughter has been diagnosed with Graves disease and TED. Her left eye has a noticeable bulge compared to her right eye. The doctors believe...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesBulging EyesDepressionGraves' Disease
Misconceptions about TEDWhat misconceptions have you heard/experienced about thyroid eye disease?...Reactions0reactionsComments9 replies
TED Had thyroid cancer surgery in 3\2020 (total thyroid and some throat and neck glands. Dr. Has reduced my Synthroid meds to 88 mg. I'm having TED symptoms (Redness, tearing most...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesDepression
🌟 Welcome to my TED Talk — Thyroid Eye Disease, That Is 🌟After more than a decade of reconstructive surgeries to repair TED damage, I’m ready to spill. Why now? Because I’m just about done — and because I hope my experience...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments