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Cataracts with thyroid eye disease

I am older and have had thyroid eye disease for 6 years now
Two things
One I now have cataracts has anyone had cataract surgury with this disease
I have had the surgury and everything that goes with it
Steroids and operation and am now scared to get cataract surgury done
And I have been put on blood pressure pills and pills seem to have affected my eyes
Has anyone had any experience with these two things

  1. Hi , I am confident if anyone else has had an experience with cataracts or blood pressure medicines they will chime in. Our Health Leader Sherri has recently written about her experience with cataracts and surgery that you might find helpful: and If you have any concerns about the surgery or the side effects of your medication, I would definitely bring them up to your doctor! It's important to communicate these things with them as they know you and your TED best and are in the best position to help you. All the best, Sam S. (TED Team).

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