I have talked to people who had absolutely no side effects and many who had only a few. For some reason the experience of side effects seems to vary so much. Tepezza treatment has made such a positive difference for so many. Yet, you are smart to be concerned about the permanent side effect of vestibular damage that can cause some hearing loss, tinnitus and migraines. Did you have a baseline hearing test before starting your treatment? Will your hearing be monitored periodically during the five months of Tepezza? From what I understand, our doctors are monitoring this much more closely now. On your part, watch for what is the first sign of possible vestibular damage. If you start having a full sensation in one or both ears, tell your doctor. It is a sensation of fullness and heaviness like being under water. It is a feeling that you can't relieve by yawning or trying to pop your ears...the feeling you have after a long airline flight. I hope, knowing what to watch for, helps ease your anxiety as you go through your treatment. I wish you all the best. Roxann K. Moderator