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Has anyone tried surgery interventions to realign eyes?

  1. Hi, you’re referring to strabismus surgery? That’s not one I had (I had orbital decompression and lid surgeries), but I hope you can connect with someone else in the community. Wishing you a peaceful day, Jessica H ( team member)

    1. Thank you for responding.Hopefully I will connect with a person who has experienced my condition. Mark

    2. I just wanted to clarify for others reading this thread, as well - I also have TED, and the surgeries I mentioned were performed to treat my specific symptoms. Not everyone with this condition has the same symptoms. But again, hoping that you’ll be able to connect with someone else who had that surgery. Wishing you the best, Jessica H ( team member)

  2. So far no success

    1. My heart goes out to you, that sounds so tough to go through. Have you found anything that helps you bring any relief? Sending gentle hugs and positive vibes your way! -Beth (Team Member)

    2. Hi dear, did you consult any doctor who is specialized in it?

  3. not yet

    1. I had that surgery in2019 with Dr. Ludwig in Dothan, Al. The results were great. Unfortunately, my left eye started moving outward after a year and a half. I was recently approved for Tepezza and had the first treatment a week ago. So far so good. When I had the surgery, I was a smoker. I believe that smoking played a part in the regression

      1. we appreciate you sharing your experience with us! Please check in and let us know how you are doing with your Tepezza after your next treatments, i'm sure the community would love to know how you are doing! Smoking can have an effect on so many things. Have you had the chance to ask your doctor or the surgeon what they think about this possibility? Best, Sam S. (TED team).

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