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Are You Newly Diagnosed With Thyroid Eye Disease?

Based on a recent homepage poll, we see that many community members are newly diagnosed, recently diagnosed in the last year, or still waiting for a diagnosis of thyroid eye disease (TED). We thought that this may be a helpful place to get started if you are not sure what type of information you are looking for in this community.

Check out some article recommendations, and tell us more about your diagnosis story through our polls, "this or thats", and forums! We look forward to learning about you and supporting you in your TED journey.

Back to the basics of TED

Whether recently diagnosed, or wanting to talk about the possibility of TED with your doctor, it is likely that you have been told and/or read a lot of medical information. Sometimes that can be confusing, and you might need information broken down.

We recommend reading some content about TED written by our Editorial Team to help you form a solid basis of understanding. Here are some articles to get started:

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Who else has TED?

You may not know anyone in your personal life who also contends with TED, and it may be hard to find someone local to you because this is a rare condition. We have you covered! In the community, we have Health Leaders who share their personal experiences with the condition.

Remember, not everyone's experience is exactly the same. You may relate to some parts of different people's stories. But you also have your own. There may be other people in our community who could connect with your experiences! If you are comfortable sharing your story you can do so by clicking the link below. People can read and comment on it when they come across it on our site.

What are the comorbidities of TED?

People who have TED can also have other conditions called comorbidities. Here are some articles to check out that are related to some of the comorbidities of TED:

This or That

Do you contend with another condition in addition to TED?

Newly diagnosed and still have questions?

It's best to bring your questions to your doctors. These articles can help you prepare for your appointments:

We also know that sometimes doctors cannot speak to experiences with a condition, and it is best to ask another person with the same condition. That's why we have a forums page. You can also ask the community a question right here, by typing your question in the box below!

Start a Forum

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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