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Get a TED specialist!

I live in a rural area, but we have excellent healthcare.
I saw an excellent ophthalmologist who did an MRI and a CT scan, and diagnosed me with TED.
She referred me to a specialist at a university hospital, which I as the best thing that happened in my TED journey.
Regular physicians are not up to speed with TED and don’t know the latest research and treatments !
Find a specialist!

  1. , this is such great advice! Finding a specialist who knows about TED and can help treat you is so important. Here is an article we have on the different types of doctors who can treat TED: All the best, Sam S. (TED Team).

    1. Interesting that you had an MRI and CT scan. I wonder if this is protocol? I have face pain on the side that is bulging. It always feels like I have a sinus infection, but I usually do not. I had Graves Disease when I was 14 and had it removed at 16. I am now in my 60's. My eyes always bothered me, but I never knew about TED until recently. I am scheduled to see a TED specialist in December. I also live in a rural area with great healthcare, albeit I have to travel to get to most specialists, which will be a bother during winter.

      1. , So many people have not heard of TED before! Being a rare condition means that most people and many physicians haven't heard of it. I am glad to hear you have an appointment with a specialist coming up! Please check back in and let us know how it goes. All the best, Sam S. (TED Team).

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